Tarot Transformation with Sunshine and Sinthia
My Rating:
Runtime: 14 minutes
Date Added: 6/29/2022


On a dark and stormy night, the two girls carrying a set of Tarot Cards board bounce into the room where the older stepbrother of one happens to be. "C'mon, play with us- It's a perfect night for a seance!" After much relentless pestering, he finally relents, and the two begin to incant in some strange tongue, coming to a crescendo with the words "Presto Change-O!" No sooner do the words escape their mouths when she starts to indeed change, blossoming into statuesque twentysomethings! "Wow--I can't believe it actually worked! Look at me! All grown up now!" Adds the other, "Now we get to bo...

Tarot Transformation with Sunshine and Sinthia

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