In the Final installment of this 3-part Superheroine Parody...
Clever Batgirl nearly escaped the clutches of her captor, the Evil Jade Indica, by using tools in her utility belt to pick the lock on the electric collar around her neck. Just as she thought she was in the clear, Jade sneaks behind her for another capture.
With Batgirl once again, Jade decides that it would be wise to remove Batgirl's uniform. You cant have tricks up your sleeves if youre not wearing any sleeves at all.
When Batgirl comes to, she realizes that she has been defeated. Completely batt...
In the Final installment of this 3-part Superheroine Parody...
Clever Batgirl nearly escaped the clutches of her captor, the Evil Jade Indica, by using tools in her utility belt to pick the lock on the electric collar around her neck. Just as she thought she was in the clear, Jade sneaks behind her for another capture.
With Batgirl once again, Jade decides that it would be wise to remove Batgirl's uniform. You cant have tricks up your sleeves if youre not wearing any sleeves at all.
When Batgirl comes to, she realizes that she has been defeated. Completely batt...