In the 2nd episode of this Superheroine Parody...
Batgirl wakes up in a tangled mess of purple. Every time she tries to move, her limbs are snapped around by the giant rubber bands attached to her wrists, ankles & wrapped tight around her neck. As she stumbles around like a lost puppet, the Cataclysmic and Catwoman make their entrance.
Just for fun, the villains use whips and floggers to bat the bat around. Catwoman then presents a glowing pair of goggles that she places over Batgirl's eyes, leaving her "blind as a bat"...and rather mindless too. As Batgirl's brain is taken over ...
In the 2nd episode of this Superheroine Parody...
Batgirl wakes up in a tangled mess of purple. Every time she tries to move, her limbs are snapped around by the giant rubber bands attached to her wrists, ankles & wrapped tight around her neck. As she stumbles around like a lost puppet, the Cataclysmic and Catwoman make their entrance.
Just for fun, the villains use whips and floggers to bat the bat around. Catwoman then presents a glowing pair of goggles that she places over Batgirl's eyes, leaving her "blind as a bat"...and rather mindless too. As Batgirl's brain is taken over ...