In Part 4 of this superheroine parody series...
Super Niki has been sent to find out what happened to Wonder Cali, Wonder Jade and Wonder Hannah. She enters a very odd room and is greeted promptly by her friend. Wonder Cali is acting strange and wearing only a bikini. Instead of thanking Wonder Niki for saving her, she produces a spray can and drenches her face in a paralyzing mist. Clearly WC is under some kind of spell! SN tries to fight the effects of the spray, but she is over come and falls to the floor. Wonder Cali is ecstatic and throws the superheroine over her shoulder f...
In Part 4 of this superheroine parody series...
Super Niki has been sent to find out what happened to Wonder Cali, Wonder Jade and Wonder Hannah. She enters a very odd room and is greeted promptly by her friend. Wonder Cali is acting strange and wearing only a bikini. Instead of thanking Wonder Niki for saving her, she produces a spray can and drenches her face in a paralyzing mist. Clearly WC is under some kind of spell! SN tries to fight the effects of the spray, but she is over come and falls to the floor. Wonder Cali is ecstatic and throws the superheroine over her shoulder f...