Ultra Jade finds herself in a world of trouble as she seaches for her missing friend Ultra Cali. She finds clues such as Cali's boots and cape, then figures she must be near!
Before she can find her crime fighting partner, a huge snake pops out and grabs her by the neck. She fights and struggles until she manages to free herself, then gives him a hard stomp to the head. Close call!
Just as she thinks the coast is clear, another snake slithers in and wraps itself around her, once again bringing the Superheroine to the ground. The other snake wakes up and ferociously ...
Ultra Jade finds herself in a world of trouble as she seaches for her missing friend Ultra Cali. She finds clues such as Cali's boots and cape, then figures she must be near!
Before she can find her crime fighting partner, a huge snake pops out and grabs her by the neck. She fights and struggles until she manages to free herself, then gives him a hard stomp to the head. Close call!
Just as she thinks the coast is clear, another snake slithers in and wraps itself around her, once again bringing the Superheroine to the ground. The other snake wakes up and ferociously ...