In the 2nd installment of this 3-part superheroine parody...
Batgirl is sitting in the corner, her cape draped over her head. She moans as she begins to wake up.
"Harley!" she yells as the cape falls to the ground. "What have you done to me Harley?!"
She stands up, showing off the new outfit that Harley has left her in.
Her cowl, still covered in flour, sits lopsided on top of her head, covering her eyes. A black leash dangles from the collar around her neck. Her nipples poke through the long sleeve, neon pink, fishnet crop top, still wearing her Batgirl ...
In the 2nd installment of this 3-part superheroine parody...
Batgirl is sitting in the corner, her cape draped over her head. She moans as she begins to wake up.
"Harley!" she yells as the cape falls to the ground. "What have you done to me Harley?!"
She stands up, showing off the new outfit that Harley has left her in.
Her cowl, still covered in flour, sits lopsided on top of her head, covering her eyes. A black leash dangles from the collar around her neck. Her nipples poke through the long sleeve, neon pink, fishnet crop top, still wearing her Batgirl ...