In the Final Installment of this 3-Part Superheroine Parody...
Batgirl has been captured and escaped from Catwoman's clutches twice already. This time, she doesn't get so lucky.
She confidently struts into the room where Catwoman and her Kitten's are waiting for her, initially giving them a run for their money. She knocks down both kittens with a double punch to their faces. Then, she works Catwoman over for a while.
Just as Batgirl thinks that Catwoman is ready to admit her wrongs and follow her in a life of honor, the kittens awake and attack the heroine from behin...
In the Final Installment of this 3-Part Superheroine Parody...
Batgirl has been captured and escaped from Catwoman's clutches twice already. This time, she doesn't get so lucky.
She confidently struts into the room where Catwoman and her Kitten's are waiting for her, initially giving them a run for their money. She knocks down both kittens with a double punch to their faces. Then, she works Catwoman over for a while.
Just as Batgirl thinks that Catwoman is ready to admit her wrongs and follow her in a life of honor, the kittens awake and attack the heroine from behin...