Batgirl walks in and inspects the suspicious flowers on the table... she quickly concludes that they are the same flowers putting citizens of Gotham in the dreamworld! Permanently! Poison Ivy walks in, laughing... Batgirl shouldn’t have just waltzed right into Poison Ivy’s secret greenhouse lair! Poison Ivy calls in the freshly mind-controlled Harley Quinn, who is carrying tired silly strip special fo Batgirl!!
As Batgirl wobbles around, Posion Ivy ties her up in a nice long rope leaves! As she struggles, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn just keep taunting her because she runs right into a ...
Batgirl walks in and inspects the suspicious flowers on the table... she quickly concludes that they are the same flowers putting citizens of Gotham in the dreamworld! Permanently! Poison Ivy walks in, laughing... Batgirl shouldn’t have just waltzed right into Poison Ivy’s secret greenhouse lair! Poison Ivy calls in the freshly mind-controlled Harley Quinn, who is carrying tired silly strip special fo Batgirl!!
As Batgirl wobbles around, Posion Ivy ties her up in a nice long rope leaves! As she struggles, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn just keep taunting her because she runs right into a ...