In this Superheroine Parody...
The Green Lantern, played by Cherie Deville, is in search of Supergirl and shows up at her last know location. She is quickly met by The Madame, Cali Logan, the girls both talk tough, as The Madame, makes jokes about the missing Supergirl. This angers The Green Lantern and they exchange a few punches. Before anything get too crazy, The Madame whips out at rag and Kos The Green Lantern.
We fade in and find The Green Lantern waking up, hands tied to the ceiling. She notices some lazers on the opposite wall and worries what they can do to her. She ...
In this Superheroine Parody...
The Green Lantern, played by Cherie Deville, is in search of Supergirl and shows up at her last know location. She is quickly met by The Madame, Cali Logan, the girls both talk tough, as The Madame, makes jokes about the missing Supergirl. This angers The Green Lantern and they exchange a few punches. Before anything get too crazy, The Madame whips out at rag and Kos The Green Lantern.
We fade in and find The Green Lantern waking up, hands tied to the ceiling. She notices some lazers on the opposite wall and worries what they can do to her. She ...