Mouth checkup. Filmed in natural light in full 1080p HD, I'm doing a mouth checkup; running my tongue along my teeth and tickling the roof of my mouth, showing my fillings, then stuffing a magnifying mirror (10x) ALL THE WAY into my mouth to show an extreme close-up of the roof of my mouth and behind my front teeth.
Then focusing on the lower portion of my mouth, my tongue moves out of the way so you can see underneath. The pool of saliva is really thick and runny. I bite my tongue to show the veins underneath, show the hole where my tongue ring goes (I'm not wearing it), bite the inside ...
Mouth checkup. Filmed in natural light in full 1080p HD, I'm doing a mouth checkup; running my tongue along my teeth and tickling the roof of my mouth, showing my fillings, then stuffing a magnifying mirror (10x) ALL THE WAY into my mouth to show an extreme close-up of the roof of my mouth and behind my front teeth.
Then focusing on the lower portion of my mouth, my tongue moves out of the way so you can see underneath. The pool of saliva is really thick and runny. I bite my tongue to show the veins underneath, show the hole where my tongue ring goes (I'm not wearing it), bite the inside ...