** CUSTOM REQUEST: MOUTH ** Wearing deep pink lipstick, I stretch my mouth as wide as I can close up so my face is in perfect view. I contort my mouth, lips and tongue using both hands to stretch my your mouth as wide as possible - stretching my lips up, down and to the side so you can see as much top and bottom teeth and gums, side views, roof of mouth views, bottom of mouth views. I clench my teeth and do some cheesing and some tongue and lip tricks- stretching, wiggling all while mixing a good mouthful of natural thick spit and strings in between some shots.
** CUSTOM REQUEST: MOUTH ** Wearing deep pink lipstick, I stretch my mouth as wide as I can close up so my face is in perfect view. I contort my mouth, lips and tongue using both hands to stretch my your mouth as wide as possible - stretching my lips up, down and to the side so you can see as much top and bottom teeth and gums, side views, roof of mouth views, bottom of mouth views. I clench my teeth and do some cheesing and some tongue and lip tricks- stretching, wiggling all while mixing a good mouthful of natural thick spit and strings in between some shots.