Anna was, to a considerable extent, a fish out of water at her posh new college. She gained a scholarship to it when she obtained excellent O Levels. But she found the adjustment to private education very difficult, especially with all the restrictions. Certainly living without booze and fags (drink and cigarettes) was beyond her. When Mr Cruickshank walked in, she was reading so intensely that she failed to hide either her or cigarettes. Big mistake! (CA42)
Anna was, to a considerable extent, a fish out of water at her posh new college. She gained a scholarship to it when she obtained excellent O Levels. But she found the adjustment to private education very difficult, especially with all the restrictions. Certainly living without booze and fags (drink and cigarettes) was beyond her. When Mr Cruickshank walked in, she was reading so intensely that she failed to hide either her or cigarettes. Big mistake! (CA42)