Debbie has found herself on the side of the road unable to get her car restarted...It's sounding funny, like it wants to start, but not really starting. She pumps the pedal with high intensity in an effort to get it to start. Unfortunately, she's not having very good luck. Her body bounces aggressively as she nails the gas pedal. She doesn't seem to be in a very good mood & shes made the gas pedal the object of her frustration. She's wearing colorful tights, a black shirt & super stiletto cheetah print heels. Enjoy!!
Debbie has found herself on the side of the road unable to get her car restarted...It's sounding funny, like it wants to start, but not really starting. She pumps the pedal with high intensity in an effort to get it to start. Unfortunately, she's not having very good luck. Her body bounces aggressively as she nails the gas pedal. She doesn't seem to be in a very good mood & shes made the gas pedal the object of her frustration. She's wearing colorful tights, a black shirt & super stiletto cheetah print heels. Enjoy!!