Carissa in the Full Body Stocking in the Bathtub: Breathhold, open-mouth, and posing
My Rating:
Category: Underwater Fetish
Runtime: 7 minutes
Date Added: 3/11/2023


I pulled my full body stocking out of the drawers and decided to take it into the bathtub--what a rush! This bodystocking fits me from head to toe--fully engulfs me like I've been swallowed by a hose monster! I absolutely love the feel and look of it in the water and even gave it a try with my breathholding practice. A little scary--it almost feels like I'm luckily I'm able to figure out how to "breathe" through the hosiery, and play with it pulled tight against my red lips! I think you'll enjoy how this one turned out!

Carissa in the Full Body Stocking in the Bathtub: Breathhold, open-mouth, and posing

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