In the kitchen today I am going to slide these tiny potatoes into my shoe and smash them with my heel. I take one and smash it, take 2 and smash it. I get back on my shoe and slowly press down on it till it collapses under my heel. I love the way they feel, all slimy and wet. Kinda like your balls would feel if i exploded them under my foot. Your balls are as helpless as these potatoes. You don't stand a chance under my foot. I will take your balls so fast and shove them under my foot and press down till you scream for mercy. Not only will i do this with my shoes on, but I will also take them ...
In the kitchen today I am going to slide these tiny potatoes into my shoe and smash them with my heel. I take one and smash it, take 2 and smash it. I get back on my shoe and slowly press down on it till it collapses under my heel. I love the way they feel, all slimy and wet. Kinda like your balls would feel if i exploded them under my foot. Your balls are as helpless as these potatoes. You don't stand a chance under my foot. I will take your balls so fast and shove them under my foot and press down till you scream for mercy. Not only will i do this with my shoes on, but I will also take them ...