Beatrice SLWC W/Heel Bar Office Dress Code and *Extreme* Foot Play
My Rating:
Category: Cast Fetish
Runtime: 15 minutes
Date Added: 10/20/2013


(English) When Beatrice shows up in the office with SLWC and Heel Bar the first thing her uptight boss notices is how dirty it and her naked foot look. She immediately wants to examine the cast more closely and none-too discreetly hints Beatrice needs to clean it. Her groping and touching the cast near Beatrice's naked toes makes her very embarrassed and uneasy. Does the boss have an ulterior motive? Despite the dirty cast she allows Beatrice to prop her casted leg up on the desk and finish her work. While her boss stares at her cast Beatrice wiggles and curls her toes nervously as she fidgets...
Beatrice SLWC W/Heel Bar Office Dress Code and *Extreme* Foot Play

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