Kati Stair Crutching Trip & Fall
My Rating:
Category: Cast Fetish
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 6/26/2007


In this asting accident video, Kati contemplates struggling down a stone staircase in a black Sundress, black heel and llwc. As she lifts her dress to check out the cast rubbing against her thigh. She almost falls as she struggles down the stairs in starkly different heels. a almost trips her up as she continues down the stairs. Almost all the way down she does not make it and in fact trips and falls on the landing. She pulls off her shoe rubs her good leg before struggling back up to find a bench close by the bottom of the stairs. once again she pulls off her good shoe to rub her ankle and w...
Kati Stair Crutching Trip & Fall

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