Norah SLC Special Cast Achilles, Tendon Recovery, Foot Play and Long Wiggling Toes
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Category: Cast Fetish
Runtime: 13 minutes
Date Added: 3/12/2014


Years of modeling have taken its toll on Norah's poor foot. Tight pointed shoes have bent her extremely long toes and high spiked heels have ruined her Achilles tendon. When she couldn't bare the pain any longer, she finally got the surgery she needed. Unfortunately, she still can't use her bad foot. It is permanently bent in her special cast and will stay that way for weeks. Is she needs to stand on it only her partially exposed sole and toes touch the floor but gravity the end of her cast to dig into the top of her angled foot. So all she can really do to stop the pain is keep it propped up ...
Norah SLC Special Cast Achilles, Tendon Recovery, Foot Play and Long Wiggling Toes

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