Sentina LLWC Publicing and Hopping on Hard Hot Cobblestone Streets With Lots of Soothing Foot Play
My Rating:
Runtime: 15 minutes
Date Added: 2/8/2017


(English) Sentina is bummed at having to wear her llwc so her friend decides to take her out on an nice spring day. Sentina hates her crutches because they make her under arms hurt so her friend tells her to ditch them before they go out. Sentina soon regrets it, her friend walks to fast and she sometimes has to hop just to keep up. The cobblestone streets are also hell on her stiff plastered leg even with the rubber heel of the cast to absorb some of the shock. They make gimping on he stiff leg awkward and her poor toes often touch the hot stones absorbing the sunlight. Her leg aches and t...

Sentina LLWC Publicing and Hopping on Hard Hot Cobblestone Streets With Lots of Soothing Foot Play

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