Sentina Term SLWC Gimp to the Outdoor Cafe and Cooling Her Casted Toes (in )
My Rating:
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 1/15/2023


Sentina gimps out on a beautiful sunny day with a sundress closed high heel and her toes hanging out of a plaster cast on her broken foot. Her friend suggests they go to an outdoor cafe by the river, but it takes lot of gimping and navigating stairs to get there. Sentina is happy to rest her foot when they finally sit down to eat. After they finish, her friend suggests they take a walk but after dealing with more stairs, Sestina’s casted toes are pretty hot and cramped hanging out in the sun and hitting the hot pavement. She suggests they sit down. Her friend has a cure for her hot foot. Sh...

Sentina Term SLWC Gimp to the Outdoor Cafe and Cooling Her Casted Toes (in )

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