Make no mistake about it,Cheyenne is strong,skilled and aggressive.She likes to attack and dominate,using her incredible speed and power.She matches up against Holly,who has turned in some aggreesive and hard fought wins recently.To her credit,Holly once again came ready to battle,but learns almost immediaely that Cheyenne cannot be stopped.She uses many holds and administers some serious pain,and does not let up.We are not sure who will face Cheyenne next,we arent really sure who can handle her either.
Make no mistake about it,Cheyenne is strong,skilled and aggressive.She likes to attack and dominate,using her incredible speed and power.She matches up against Holly,who has turned in some aggreesive and hard fought wins recently.To her credit,Holly once again came ready to battle,but learns almost immediaely that Cheyenne cannot be stopped.She uses many holds and administers some serious pain,and does not let up.We are not sure who will face Cheyenne next,we arent really sure who can handle her either.