My cock is only a toy for Tanja under her Nike AirMax 90s - Cam 2
- tanja on the holeboard
- secretary pedestal
- sitting at her desk
- not taking care for me
- distracted by her phone
- careless tall sexy woman
- my penis is trapped
- beneath her powerful feet
- she flattens it under
- her sneaker soles
- it's a game for her
- she crushes my tiny cock
- absolutely unaware and
- it's really painful when
- she jams it full weight
Tanja meets my little friend on the secretary pedestal. She sits at the desk, listens to music with earphones and solves a sudoku. My tiny penis lies beneath her sneakers, through the hole in the floor. Soon, Tanja steps on it with the striking sole and squeezes it flat under the heel. She plays with that pedal from the dictation-machine. She moves her foot and pulls back my prepuce hard, my vulnerable glans is now delivered to her mercy. Mercy - which mercy? I think Tanja doesn't care at all what happens under her feet and she jams my penis hard! Sometimes it gets between her shoes and the...

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