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Tiny cock in danger under Tanja and her Buffalo stiletto boots - Cam 3
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A thrilling session on the staircase. Thrilling for me, not for Tanja. She stands there and wears her Buffalo stiletto booties - the heels are real cock-! And she is soooo sexy! Warm jacket, short skirt and incredible sexy stockings. She looks at her smartphone, chats with friends on WhatsApp and doesn't care for what's going on at her feet. I'm so scared of these shoes! On one hand, I want to place my cock under her heel, on the other hand I know that she could destroy my tiny penis with one single step! I rub my cock against her warm shoe, then I dare to place it under her heel. I ask her...

Tiny cock in danger under Tanja and her Buffalo stiletto boots - Cam 3

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