Every good foot boy knows his place: under the feet of a perfect princess. Spoiling her at every oppurtunity, NOTHING is too good for her. Ever since you first got excited over a pair of feet, you knew what you were destined for. You slave away at work to throw your money at the feet of a goddess, providing her with an endless supply of expensive designer shoes, covering her weekly pedicures, and of course begging relentlessly to kiss her smooth soles. You live to serve at her feet.
Every good foot boy knows his place: under the feet of a perfect princess. Spoiling her at every oppurtunity, NOTHING is too good for her. Ever since you first got excited over a pair of feet, you knew what you were destined for. You slave away at work to throw your money at the feet of a goddess, providing her with an endless supply of expensive designer shoes, covering her weekly pedicures, and of course begging relentlessly to kiss her smooth soles. You live to serve at her feet.