When she walked in wearing that very shiny balck dress and the oh-so-heels, I knew that we weren't going out for dinner. At least not for a while. Because this evening Cali was going spend time hogchained - wristcuffs, anklecuffs, and a chain connecting the two together
There was more to come later that night - I knew the way that she was rolling around - and the combination of damsel-in- noises with an occasional soft moan - her sexual engine was kicking into high gear. Which made me wonder - does the chinese restaurant deliver?...
This is the RealMedia version of this video clip
When she walked in wearing that very shiny balck dress and the oh-so-heels, I knew that we weren't going out for dinner. At least not for a while. Because this evening Cali was going spend time hogchained - wristcuffs, anklecuffs, and a chain connecting the two together
There was more to come later that night - I knew the way that she was rolling around - and the combination of damsel-in- noises with an occasional soft moan - her sexual engine was kicking into high gear. Which made me wonder - does the chinese restaurant deliver?...