Charlie Mancini stars as the nerdy Prissy Chrissy...cute, eager & innocent...she so desperately wants to join this years cheerleading team. Unfortunately for her...Foxy Roxy (Bella Donna aka C4) is the new cheerleading captain. When Chrissy discovers she doesn't make the cut...she flips out & decides to standup against the already battle tested Roxy. Will the more fragile Chrissy proof herself in this battle or will she be humiliated & disgraced? This is an intricately put-together production with bonus blooper footage at the end. Part 2 and other formats coming soon.
Charlie Mancini stars as the nerdy Prissy Chrissy...cute, eager & innocent...she so desperately wants to join this years cheerleading team. Unfortunately for her...Foxy Roxy (Bella Donna aka C4) is the new cheerleading captain. When Chrissy discovers she doesn't make the cut...she flips out & decides to standup against the already battle tested Roxy. Will the more fragile Chrissy proof herself in this battle or will she be humiliated & disgraced? This is an intricately put-together production with bonus blooper footage at the end. Part 2 and other formats coming soon.