Robyn followed the Bat Signal to this very location...Batman was to meet Robyn to solve a horrible crime involving the Mob...Robyn arrived first to find an empty pool but no Batman...Behind Robyn a bodysuit wearing female put Robyn to rest...
Robyn woke up to find herself chained and restrained...Before Robyn could say anything she was carried to the bottom of the pool...There seemed to be no reason behind this ...But that is to come later...
Robyn followed the Bat Signal to this very location...Batman was to meet Robyn to solve a horrible crime involving the Mob...Robyn arrived first to find an empty pool but no Batman...Behind Robyn a bodysuit wearing female put Robyn to rest...
Robyn woke up to find herself chained and restrained...Before Robyn could say anything she was carried to the bottom of the pool...There seemed to be no reason behind this ...But that is to come later...