Cheebeezkneez Indulges On Pizza, Soda and Tiramisu Mukbang With Bountiful Burps And Shows Off Bloated Belly
My Rating:
Category: Eating
Runtime: 15 minutes
Date Added: 11/28/2024


After a long day of working and starving myself to make sure everything gets done, I satiate my enormous appetite with 4 pieces of pizza, a large soda, and a piece of tiramisu. This may not sound like a lot to you, but on a little frame like mine, the carbs certainly stand out. There's lots of burping in this video, so many in fact, I didn't include all the time stamps here, so headphone users beware~ After eating my fill, I move the camera to be under my desk where you can see just how full and bloated I am, while I rub my belly and complain about overeating... As though I wouldn't have in th...
Cheebeezkneez Indulges On Pizza, Soda and Tiramisu Mukbang With Bountiful Burps And Shows Off Bloated Belly

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