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Sibling Rivalry Spankings Part 2
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Step-Mom received a call from Coach about her two daughters, Adriana & Audrey, who had been sent home for fighting at cheer practice. This film starts with her (angrily) waiting for them to arrive home... the girls breeze in trying to pretend nothing has happened but they are stopped and told to sit down while she finds out what really happened earlier. It doesn't take long for the sisters to start bickering and turning on each when faced with the cold hard facts from the phone call that Coach had told her everything that they did earlier. Step-Mom is upset and already has a hairbrush for p...

Sibling Rivalry Spankings Part 2

Formats Available

720p - wmv 188MB
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1080p - mp4 367MB
Buy: $7.99 View on C4S


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