I love spending quality time with my baby step-bro. Finally, you're grown up in college, seeing what the "real world" has to offer. We finally have stuff to talk about. You were such a little creepy perv growing up! We start talking about days of the past, and you've confided in me that you have a "little problem" and haven't been able to keep a girl while you're out at college. I'm here to help you out, what else is a big step-sister for?Talking about the times you used to steal my panties and hoard them in your room is starting to take you back to the days, and I can see you're pitching a te...
I love spending quality time with my baby step-bro. Finally, you're grown up in college, seeing what the "real world" has to offer. We finally have stuff to talk about. You were such a little creepy perv growing up! We start talking about days of the past, and you've confided in me that you have a "little problem" and haven't been able to keep a girl while you're out at college. I'm here to help you out, what else is a big step-sister for?Talking about the times you used to steal my panties and hoard them in your room is starting to take you back to the days, and I can see you're pitching a te...