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Ava was spending the holidays alone and far from home, so she decided the perfect bit of self-pampering would involve her naked body, several pairs of nylons, and her favorite vibrator. Her body clad in several pair of the hose, her body hugged and caressed by the soft material, she switched the vibrator on and began to please herself, exploding in several intense climaxes. So great was her pleasure that she didn't notice that she was definitely NOT lone until the man clamped a hand over her mouth, surprising her and silencing her in one swift motion! Before she could stop him, she found he...
Ava was spending the holidays alone and far from home, so she decided the perfect bit of self-pampering would involve her naked body, several pairs of nylons, and her favorite vibrator. Her body clad in several pair of the hose, her body hugged and caressed by the soft material, she switched the vibrator on and began to please herself, exploding in several intense climaxes. So great was her pleasure that she didn't notice that she was definitely NOT lone until the man clamped a hand over her mouth, surprising her and silencing her in one swift motion! Before she could stop him, she found he...
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