Amanda, played by Kymberly Jane (aka Kay Richards), has been caught cheating at school. So her step-mom (played by the powerful domme Snow Mercy) has decided she must teach her schoolgirl step-daughter a lesson once and for all. So she drags the young lady over her knee and gives her a very long, very hard spanking. Amanda kicks and cries out, but she won't be getting out of this. She ends up with a bright red and speckled bottom, and can't sit down after the spanking.
Amanda, played by Kymberly Jane (aka Kay Richards), has been caught cheating at school. So her step-mom (played by the powerful domme Snow Mercy) has decided she must teach her schoolgirl step-daughter a lesson once and for all. So she drags the young lady over her knee and gives her a very long, very hard spanking. Amanda kicks and cries out, but she won't be getting out of this. She ends up with a bright red and speckled bottom, and can't sit down after the spanking.