We recently released a clip entitled "About Last Night...My Puma's" in which Cecelia wore her blue and white mesh Pumaâ€TMs in what was a pretty nasty marathon cock trampling session. If you happen to purchase that clip and you even in the slightest bit enjoyed it, then you will definitely appreciate this one. "About Last Night..." was shot on a Friday night, and this, was filmed on the following Saturday morning. Although the carpet wasnâ€TMt allowed to cum beneath this particular pair of shoes like he was just hours ago, this clip is much crisper (giving us a rather arousing view of Cec...
We recently released a clip entitled "About Last Night...My Puma's" in which Cecelia wore her blue and white mesh Pumaâ€TMs in what was a pretty nasty marathon cock trampling session. If you happen to purchase that clip and you even in the slightest bit enjoyed it, then you will definitely appreciate this one. "About Last Night..." was shot on a Friday night, and this, was filmed on the following Saturday morning. Although the carpet wasnâ€TMt allowed to cum beneath this particular pair of shoes like he was just hours ago, this clip is much crisper (giving us a rather arousing view of Ceceliaâ€TMs very sexy shoes and their thin raspy soles as well as Cecelia who happens to be in short scrunched socks and bare legs) and Although we have no proof of this other than a sound that sounds as if it could be someone licking a dildo, it certainly didnâ€TMt make it on film. We were also told that Cecelia was unhappy with the carpetâ€TMs balls not being ready enough to step on while in the cock box, so at her “request†the carpet was required to keep an elastic band around his hips beneath the cock box to push his balls to the surface for better crushing- which did make it on film and can be seen every once and a while under the carpetâ€TMs lucky testicles- that is when Cecelia isnâ€TMt standing on them. The best part of this clip is that Cecelia spends very little time looking down and tramples the carpetâ€TMs genitals blindly as crushing the carpetâ€TMs genitals is just something to do while she text messages. The clip opens with Cecelia telling the carpet that his current disposition was “so sadâ€, as she stands on the cock box contemplating whether or not to step on the carpetâ€TMs exposed nuts as she types a text message. After a second or two of deliberation, Cecelia brings the sole of her flexed foot down across the carpetâ€TMs sperm factory and the fun begins. Lots of standing on, grinding and twisting of the carpetâ€TMs isolated package as Cecelia types her text messages, blindly stepping on what and where she may. About of a third of the way in while stepping on the carpetâ€TMs cock head, Cecelia twists causing the carpet to gasp and Cecelia to chuckle as she questions, “wha….I didnâ€TMt do…†stopping short of finishing her sentence as she glances down to see what happened. The carpet also gasps a bit later on as well when Cecelia stands on his pecker and it shifts and collapses under her weight- of course, no concern of Ceceliaâ€TMs who just repositions and smears his battered dick beneath her shoe even more. The clip goes on and so does Cecelia as after standing on the carpetâ€TMs cock with the toes and balls of both feet simultaneously Cecelia again gets lost in her text messaging, bringing her random stepping and marching to a hault. With her right supporting her weight across the carpet, Cecelia flexes her left up to her toe and purposely probes for the carpetâ€TMs balls with the tip of her shoe. Having found itâ€TMs mark, Cecelia pushes her foot down, spreading the carpets sac nicely around the tip of her shoe and out across the cock box. As if that werenâ€TMt enough, she then begins twisting her foot back and forth as if she were a ballet dancer on pointe; the nubby treads of her shoe grotesquely contorting the trapped nut. Shifting her weight Cecelia then stands on the carpetâ€TMs nut while she grinds and smears his cock head- revealing a dark red glistening cock slit as it spreads and opens beneath her shoe. Cecelia then turns and with her heels to the camera, begins marching on the carpet, her left crushing his cock head and upper shaft and her right sadistically flattening a testicle with each step. For nearly two minutes Cecelia marches on as she types away on her phone- stopping only twice to scratch an itch on her calf and once again, smear the carpet's testicle beneath the toe of her shoe. Unfortunately for the carpet, Ceceliaâ€TMs doesnâ€TMt move to scratch and instead transfers all of her weight to the foot settled on the carpetâ€TMs cock head as she lifts her other foot up to scratch. The carpet twitches and we are guessing cringes in pain and Cecelia just addresses the itch and snorts as she giggles at the carpetâ€TMs reaction. Eventually she sets her foot back down only to trample him a bit more while she finishes sending her message before turning to take a seat on the couch marking the end of the clip. Running time is 8 minutes and 12 seconds.