With her lover and the carpetâ€TMs owner gone again for a couple weeks and after going on a shoe shopping spree Cecelia has decided give the carpet a familiar but unique opportunity. Unsure that she wants to keep all 6 pairs she had purchased, Cecelia wants to wear a couple of pairs around the house for a bit as well as get a second opinion from the carpet before making her final determination. The clip opens with Cecelia sitting on a stool waiting for the carpet to reposition himself after performing a bit of required maintenance (wiping the dark red fluids of his cock and the top of the ...
With her lover and the carpetâ€TMs owner gone again for a couple weeks and after going on a shoe shopping spree Cecelia has decided give the carpet a familiar but unique opportunity. Unsure that she wants to keep all 6 pairs she had purchased, Cecelia wants to wear a couple of pairs around the house for a bit as well as get a second opinion from the carpet before making her final determination. The clip opens with Cecelia sitting on a stool waiting for the carpet to reposition himself after performing a bit of required maintenance (wiping the dark red fluids of his cock and the top of the cock box) as a result of the first pair of new shoes the carpet has just experienced. With an absolutely gorgeous tan, her well manicured toes, her signature silver ankle let and a pair of glittery pink and purple mesh Jellie flats she just couldnâ€TMt resist when she saw them, Cecelia slides off the stool to give the carpet something to form an opinion with. With his cock already looking a little worse for wear Cecelia stands and just begins walking all over his package. An absolutely fantastic first two minutes as Cecelia just walks around in place- giving us a rather arousing view of her gorgeous feet (which settle, flex and reveal all the curves of Ceceliaâ€TMs foot as she moves) and rather sexy new shoes as they just flatten the carpetâ€TMs cock and balls. “Yeah…if they were any smaller they would definitely fit on my foot†laughs Cecelia as she tramples away. “They kind of leave marks…†Cecelia blurts as shifts her weight back and forth while standing on the carpet. “Yeah, a little…just for a second†she adds as she steps off and back on the carpet in an effort to leave the tread pattern of her shoe sole pressed in his cock skin. By this point, the carpetâ€TMs cock is not looking too good as a thinned, red tinted liquid begins to pool and glisten on the cock box right below the routinely flattened and contorted head of the carpetâ€TMs cock. The carpetâ€TMs cock slit is also a bit strange looking as the inside of his urethra appears to be lined with a dark glisten raw hamburger like red glow and a bit of skin seems to have pin pinched into a strange shape resembling a skin tag protruding from the tip of his cock. After giggling at the shoe prints she is leaving imbedded in the carpet, Cecelia notices the damage trickling from the carpet. “What did I do?†she asks sarcastically. “That?†she adds as she sets her heel on the carpetâ€TMs cock head and grinds it flat. She spends a good 40 seconds just standing on the carpetâ€TMs cock head- leaning her weight back onto it (you can see her heel actually settle in the shoe as she shifts weight), smearing it and simply standing on it before continuing her random trampling. Cecelia then moves on to “the cigarette†treatment as she flexes her foot up, sets the toe and ball of her foot on the carpet and begins to twist out and roll his pecker back and forth beneath the sole of her shoe. “Now Iâ€TMm like torn.†“They are full of glitter and I feel I am too old for glitter, but they are kinda cool lookinâ€TM†giggles Cecelia who now begins to balance her weight on a single foot lengthwise on the carpet. “Ya like that?†she asks as she carefully balances and begins to bounce. “Ohhh†she blurts as if she is mocking the carpetâ€TMs discomfort. The carpetâ€TMs cock even collapses under her weight causing Ceceliaâ€TMs foot to waiver and slide to one side of the flat pecker, to which she verbalizes the experience with a giggly “oopsâ€. Cecelia once again begins grinding and twisting beneath the ball of her foot, and the carpet who can no longer resist soon oozes massive loads of thick white cum as Cecelia pumps his pummeled but pulsing penis. With a massive load of sperm already spilled and the sound of sticky cum smacking from the cum soaked soled of her shoe each time she lifts her foot, Cecelia gives an approving “ok†of the carpetâ€TMs release and turns her heels to the camera. After carefully placing both heels on the carpet, Cecelia begins marching in place. With each landing of her left heel, several beads of cum are pressed from the carpet and quickly fill the gaps in the tread of Cecelia shoe making the carpetâ€TMs cock slick and eventually driving it out from beneath her shoe like a cork as Cecelia steps. “…Right, M…kay†laughs Cecelia who canâ€TMt seem to keep the carpetâ€TMs cock beneath her foot. “Should I do it like this or the other foot too†she asks rhetorically as she gives up keeping both feet on the carpet and just begins smashing him beneath a single heel as she continues to press and mash the carpet. “Hm, hmm†says Cecelia who then decides to stand on the carpetâ€TMs cock head with her left heel (flattening his head completely and surrounding her shoe in spilled cum as it comes to rest on the cock box) as she seductively arches her right foot up (giving us a first look at what must be an incredibly uncomfortable tread pattern on the sole of Ceceliaâ€TMs shoe) and begins mashing the carpetâ€TMs balls beneath the toe of her right shoe. “Ok†says Cecelia as she steps off the carpetâ€TMs dick and pauses next to the cum soaked mess and continues to point her toe and look at her new shoes (some really nice imagery in this one) marking the end of this very fun clip. Running time is 7 minutes and 59 seconds.