Cody has agreed to let me blindfold her in her White bra and panties. Only she has no idea what Im. going to do. So she sits on a stool and anxiously awaits the unknown. Then I enter with a pair of medical shears, and slowly begin running the scissors over her bare skin before cutting her bra straps and then her panties. Total Run Time 2:37. All models are 18 and over. model releases on file. Cs4
Cody has agreed to let me blindfold her in her White bra and panties. Only she has no idea what Im. going to do. So she sits on a stool and anxiously awaits the unknown. Then I enter with a pair of medical shears, and slowly begin running the scissors over her bare skin before cutting her bra straps and then her panties. Total Run Time 2:37. All models are 18 and over. model releases on file. Cs4