BatEve & BatConstance Attacked
My Rating:
Category: Did
Runtime: 23 minutes
Date Added: 2/8/2021


BatEve thought she had a signal that Robin was at this certain location. So she arrived and went to search for Robin, but instead she was met with a man that headbonked her. Eve then was ragdolled.

Meanwhile, BatConstance had already taken off her mask, as she wanted to relax a bit before Robin was to come over. But as she started to lay down, a man came up behind her and headbonked her. Then Constance was ragdolled.

This went on with both Batgirls for a few times. Each time Both Batgirls tried to get smelling salts but to no avail. Why are both BatGirl's getting attacked ...

BatEve & BatConstance Attacked

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