The forth volume of private homemade collectors catfights. More from the 50s and 60s recorded on 8mm cine cameras from the finest private collection in the world. Again, so there is no mis-understanding these are genuine vintage recordings, but they are poor quality due to some serious deteriation of the original films. So picture quality is poor. However these are the types of recordings you wont find anywhere else and are authentic homemade catfights from around the world, collected into one place. This is 2 hours long and set at the lowest price possible with clips4sale settings. Volume 4 o...
The forth volume of private homemade collectors catfights. More from the 50s and 60s recorded on 8mm cine cameras from the finest private collection in the world. Again, so there is no mis-understanding these are genuine vintage recordings, but they are poor quality due to some serious deteriation of the original films. So picture quality is poor. However these are the types of recordings you wont find anywhere else and are authentic homemade catfights from around the world, collected into one place. This is 2 hours long and set at the lowest price possible with clips4sale settings. Volume 4 o...