In a blue nighty, with my long hair flowing down my back and shoulders, I brush my teeth slowly and thoroughly. The only problem? I forgot to remove my bright red lipstick first! Im a very messy brusher, so while the toothpaste bubbles and spit dribble down my chin, it smears my lipstick. You can see me and my reflection in the mirror as Im brushing. When Im done I dry my face, then open my mouth wide so you can see what a good job I did. You can see the lipstick stains on my chin, but youre nice enough to not say anything! ;)
In a blue nighty, with my long hair flowing down my back and shoulders, I brush my teeth slowly and thoroughly. The only problem? I forgot to remove my bright red lipstick first! Im a very messy brusher, so while the toothpaste bubbles and spit dribble down my chin, it smears my lipstick. You can see me and my reflection in the mirror as Im brushing. When Im done I dry my face, then open my mouth wide so you can see what a good job I did. You can see the lipstick stains on my chin, but youre nice enough to not say anything! ;)