After a year of searching Bat Gurl Finally found Cory Chase pretending to be a Secretary...Cory did not go an entire year undercover without some precautions...Cory had a trap for Bat Gurl...Cory only had to turn her laptop towards Bat Gurl...Bat Gurl would quickly fall into a trance...As expected, Bat Gurl attempted to take Cory Chase to jail and the trap was set...Bat Gurl looked at the screen that only traps a Bat...Now for the turning of Bat Gurl...
After a year of searching Bat Gurl Finally found Cory Chase pretending to be a Secretary...Cory did not go an entire year undercover without some precautions...Cory had a trap for Bat Gurl...Cory only had to turn her laptop towards Bat Gurl...Bat Gurl would quickly fall into a trance...As expected, Bat Gurl attempted to take Cory Chase to jail and the trap was set...Bat Gurl looked at the screen that only traps a Bat...Now for the turning of Bat Gurl...