Christy Mack found no pleasure in only capturing Super Gurl...She also wanted to strip, humiliate and touch Super Gurl...The Kryptonite necklace found its way around Super Gurl's neck leaving the most powerful Super Heroine weak and helpless...Christy wanted to play with SG and not waste a single inch of the perfection found under the uniform...As SG grows weaker, Christy grows stronger...With every new caress more powers are transferred to Christy...Someone may come to the aid of Super Gurl but that sounds unlikely...Tonight SG is all alone with Christy Mack and the fun has just begun...
Christy Mack found no pleasure in only capturing Super Gurl...She also wanted to strip, humiliate and touch Super Gurl...The Kryptonite necklace found its way around Super Gurl's neck leaving the most powerful Super Heroine weak and helpless...Christy wanted to play with SG and not waste a single inch of the perfection found under the uniform...As SG grows weaker, Christy grows stronger...With every new caress more powers are transferred to Christy...Someone may come to the aid of Super Gurl but that sounds unlikely...Tonight SG is all alone with Christy Mack and the fun has just begun...