Super Gurl is no longer the baddest Super Heroine...One by one the other Super Heroines are seeking and scoring revenge on Super Gurl...Now Bat Gurl has captured the Super Gurl and plans to completely humiliate SG...Bat Gurl sent her biggest Henchman to find and bring back Super Gurl...The predictable SG was quickly captured and brought back to a secret location...Henchman #2 then tied up the Super Gurl and handed over the instruments of to the Bat Gurl...Bat Gurl did not know how long the would continue but knew what would happen to the Bat Gurl....
Super Gurl is no longer the baddest Super Heroine...One by one the other Super Heroines are seeking and scoring revenge on Super Gurl...Now Bat Gurl has captured the Super Gurl and plans to completely humiliate SG...Bat Gurl sent her biggest Henchman to find and bring back Super Gurl...The predictable SG was quickly captured and brought back to a secret location...Henchman #2 then tied up the Super Gurl and handed over the instruments of to the Bat Gurl...Bat Gurl did not know how long the would continue but knew what would happen to the Bat Gurl....