In the gritty underbelly of Gotham City, where the corrupt and the vengeful thrived like bushes in concrete cracks, Detective Biggs, known in the precinct as "Biggs the Bully," was on a mission. His partner, Detective Jordan, had vanished during an undercover operation, and the trail led straight to one of Gotham's most enigmatic adversaries: Poison Ivy.
Detective Biggs was no saint; his badge was as much a tool for personal gain as it was for justice. He took bribes, bent rules, and had his fingers in every dirty pie in Gotham. However, his connection...
The Green Whisperer-
In the gritty underbelly of Gotham City, where the corrupt and the vengeful thrived like bushes in concrete cracks, Detective Biggs, known in the precinct as "Biggs the Bully," was on a mission. His partner, Detective Jordan, had vanished during an undercover operation, and the trail led straight to one of Gotham's most enigmatic adversaries: Poison Ivy.
Detective Biggs was no saint; his badge was as much a tool for personal gain as it was for justice. He took bribes, bent rules, and had his fingers in every dirty pie in Gotham. However, his connection with Detective Jordan was genuine, a rare bond in his otherwise cynical life. Jordan was the one person who could still see the badge's shine through the dirt.
The investigation started at an abandoned botanical garden on the outskirts of the city, rumored to be one of Ivy's sanctuaries. As Biggs stepped through the overgrown entrance, the air was thick with the scent of exotic blooms, a stark contrast to the city's usual smog. Vines twisted around the rusted gates, almost as if welcoming or warning him.
Poison Ivy is standing at the edge of her balcony, staring down at Detective Biggs. She is wearing green lingerie, and she starts to emit pheromones off of her body. The detective begins to feel a bit woozy as he gets out of his car. ‘Come on up, Detective,’ she calls down. The detective walks into her home, and he is still breathing in her pheromones. Ivy lies down on the bed, and then she pulls the detective's pants off. He is unable to stop her, due to her pheromones controlling his brain. So, she pulls his BBC out from under his pants and she starts to give him a blowjob. She pulls her bra off, and then she continues to suck his BBC until he is fully hard. A few minutes later, she pulls her panties off and she rides his BBC in the cowgirl position. A few minutes later, she flips over into the reverse cowgirl position and she continues to ride his BBC.
Detective’s Dilemma-
She moves into the doggystyle position next, and he fucks her pussy from behind. She lies down on her back next, and he fucks her in the missionary position this time. While she is lying down on her back, she pulls her legs back behind her head. He then takes his BBC and he starts to titty fuck her big, natural tits. ‘You have two choices. You can cum in my mouth, or cum in my pussy,’ Ivy tells the detective. He chooses to cum deep inside of her pussy! After he cums, he falls down on the bed. His cum keeps dripping out of her. ‘You’re going to work for me now!’ Ivy says to the detective. ‘And by the way, you chose the wrong hole! Now get out of here!’ she says to him.