The young and naive Super Gurl was easily captured by Ice Maiden's Henchmen...The Henchmen brought Super Gurl, tied in Kryptonite infused rope to Ice Maiden's secret lair...They strung up Super Girl and left her weak and half nude...
In walked Ice Maiden ready to become the most powerful Super Villain of them all... But first she must completely humiliate Super Gurl on the Crime Syndicate TV Station...Before Ice Maiden could begin, Super Gurl shot a laser-blast into Ice Maiden...The blast calmly bounced off the Ice Maiden...Super Gurl was too weak and her attempts to free herself were pointle...
The young and naive Super Gurl was easily captured by Ice Maiden's Henchmen...The Henchmen brought Super Gurl, tied in Kryptonite infused rope to Ice Maiden's secret lair...They strung up Super Girl and left her weak and half nude...
In walked Ice Maiden ready to become the most powerful Super Villain of them all... But first she must completely humiliate Super Gurl on the Crime Syndicate TV Station...Before Ice Maiden could begin, Super Gurl shot a laser-blast into Ice Maiden...The blast calmly bounced off the Ice Maiden...Super Gurl was too weak and her attempts to free herself were pointle...