While under, Robyn learned of how Batman was captured by Mistress Cory...Batman is held down in the basement and under Mistress Cory's control...Just then Robyn began to come to...Her mind came back but only partially...Mistress Cory gave Robyn another sip of Mind Control Milk...As the MILK begins to work again, Mistress Cory Robyn to pleasure herself...Robyn reached down and slipped her lovely fingers into her tight vagina...The orgasms came one after the other and Mistress Cory then revealed the secret identity of Robyn...
While under, Robyn learned of how Batman was captured by Mistress Cory...Batman is held down in the basement and under Mistress Cory's control...Just then Robyn began to come to...Her mind came back but only partially...Mistress Cory gave Robyn another sip of Mind Control Milk...As the MILK begins to work again, Mistress Cory Robyn to pleasure herself...Robyn reached down and slipped her lovely fingers into her tight vagina...The orgasms came one after the other and Mistress Cory then revealed the secret identity of Robyn...