Wonder Tomi and Wonder Star, Shining Star's little step-sister, head out to apprehend one of Mysteria's henchgirls but she gets the drop on our little heroine and puts her out. Soon enough, Wonder Tomi comes looking for her and the henchgirl soon has two slumbering heroines! When they come to, Wonder Tomi sets a trap for the henchgirl, but it's foiled when Wonder Star is by the henchgirl's amulet. Wonder Tomi comes back wondering what has happend to "the plan" when she is sneak attacked by Wonder Star! The heroine strips Wonder Tomi of her magic belt and wrestles the suprised amazon to the bed...
Wonder Tomi and Wonder Star, Shining Star's little step-sister, head out to apprehend one of Mysteria's henchgirls but she gets the drop on our little heroine and puts her out. Soon enough, Wonder Tomi comes looking for her and the henchgirl soon has two slumbering heroines! When they come to, Wonder Tomi sets a trap for the henchgirl, but it's foiled when Wonder Star is by the henchgirl's amulet. Wonder Tomi comes back wondering what has happend to "the plan" when she is sneak attacked by Wonder Star! The heroine strips Wonder Tomi of her magic belt and wrestles the suprised amazon to the bed...