Pork Belly & Guac
My Rating:
Studio: CouchQueen
Category: Feeder/feedee
Runtime: 21 minutes
Date Added: 9/11/2023


I wasn't planning on stuffing myself today. In fact, I had just got back from the gym. I try to only have cheat days on the weekend, but I've done the past couple stuffings mid-week and it's basically ruining my half-hearted attempts at fitness. And to think, I used to be such a gym rat...

But I bought all the ingredients to make a *very* rich and fatty stuffing: fried pork belly that I''ll be dipping in guacamole, and a slice of chocolate cake! The skin of the pork belly is super crunchy, but it's also dripping with fat. Combined with the rich, fatty guac, it's next-level artery...

Pork Belly & Guac

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