This match has to be seen to be believed. We have never witnessed such brutality and anger from Arianne, nor did we know she could throw down like this with the best of them. Her and Bella set the stage for an all out catfight style match which net some explosive results. Arianne was nervous going onto this, and Bella said some pretty ruthless things to Arianne before the match to amp her up. That may have been a very big mistake on Bella's behalf. As they stand face to face you couldn't cut the tension with a blade. Arianne then grabs Bella and literally whips her to the mats, jumping on t...
This match has to be seen to be believed. We have never witnessed such brutality and anger from Arianne, nor did we know she could throw down like this with the best of them. Her and Bella set the stage for an all out catfight style match which net some explosive results. Arianne was nervous going onto this, and Bella said some pretty ruthless things to Arianne before the match to amp her up. That may have been a very big mistake on Bella's behalf. As they stand face to face you couldn't cut the tension with a blade. Arianne then grabs Bella and literally whips her to the mats, jumping on top of her. With both hands she lashes out with face slaps, Bella firing back by grabbing Arianne's tits and squeezing them. Arianne does not back down from the slaps, and she viciously pulls Bella's hair whipping her head violently from side to side. Arianne attacks Bella's tits, and lands multiple face hits now. Bella already in serious trouble she goes into fight or flight mode, as she tries to block Arianne's attacks, wedgying her and going after her tits as well as trying to slap her. Arianne holds Bella's arms above her head and slaps her all over her body. Bella is desperate to get from under Arianne, but she couldn't. The back and fourth slaps and wedgies continue as the sounds of the hits echo across the room. Bella has never been put into this predicament before, but Arianne was out to destroy Bella. Her temper starts to get the best of her as she chokes Bella with one hand, slaps her in the face with the other and mauls her tits. Arianne is getting the best of Bella and things only get worse for her. Bella tries to break free by giving Arianne a painful front wedgie, which only angers her more now. Arianne and Bella's tits, chest, stomach and legs are all red and marked up now, Bella's face is deep red almost purple from the slaps and hits. Arianne locks Bella's head between her thighs and rolls into a head scissor as Bella tries the best she can to cover her face from the aggressive slapping. Arianne is ruthless, she squeezes Bella to the point of almost making her go out, showing no remorse at all. They both tear into each other with wedgies yelping from the pain, Bella grasping at whatever she can to escape. Arianne rolls back on top, she continues with the face and body slaps, each one landing perfectly, making Bella cry out in pain. Bella was trapped, as Arianne had such a front wedgie her pussy was literally hanging out and decided to ram it into Bella's face smothering her. Bella fights hard, but Arianne stood her ground with the face sitting, winding Bella. Arianne wanted nothing more than to put Bella out with face sitting, and when Bella got air, she either tried to face sit her again, or constantly slap her. Bella still managed to slap Arianne when her arms weren't pinned, and this set Arianne over the top. She rocks Bella with such hits to the face and grabs Bella by the hair slamming her head on the mats, we were going to stop the match. Arianne then slams her pussy down hard into Bella's face, Bella feeling her aggression was in fight mode trying not to get put out. Arianne continues the face sitting, even grabbing Bella's hair keeping her face locked tight in her crotch, doing what she could to make her go out. Bella's fear kicked in as she goes into near panic made when Arianne ignored her taps for air, now exhausted, winded, and beaten badly. Bella yells out that she gives up, but Arianne smashes her pussy down into Bella's face again, saying no. After Bella pleads for her to stop saying again that she gives up, Arianne says "tell me I'm the best you fucking bitch" Bella complies, but Arianne says "that didn't seem very true" and face sits Bella again. Wanting to concede to Arianne, now she asks "say it again bitch", as Bella complies and says it. As Bella lays between Arianne's thighs, her pussy on her mouth, face a deep shade of purple, Arianne flexes her muscles and gives the camera a stone cold look. Scary. This is one hell of an action packed smothering slap fest. The one and ONLY time you will ever see Arianne in this state. Don't miss out on this clip. Watch the promo clip to catch a glimpse into this match.