CPL-CAT-01 Severe Anger Issues
My Rating:
Category: Face Sitting
Runtime: 16 minutes
Date Added: 11/16/2016


This match has to be seen to be believed. We have never witnessed such brutality and anger from Arianne, nor did we know she could throw down like this with the best of them. Her and Bella set the stage for an all out catfight style match which net some explosive results. Arianne was nervous going onto this, and Bella said some pretty ruthless things to Arianne before the match to amp her up. That may have been a very big mistake on Bella's behalf. As they stand face to face you couldn't cut the tension with a blade. Arianne then grabs Bella and literally whips her to the mats, jumping on t...

CPL-CAT-01 Severe Anger Issues

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