una ladra dalle mani adorabili A thief with adorable hands ( 2 PART )
My Rating:
Category: Bondage
Runtime: 25 minutes
Date Added: 7/18/2017



Stella is sneaking through an apartment, snooping. She searches several drawers, bookshelves, and so on (close-up of her hands). She is surprised when the apartment owner (represented by the camera) comes back. She tries to explain what she is doing there, but has no success. Then she notices that a g*n is pointed at her, and she puts up her hands (close-up). She is to take a wooden chair with a high backrest, pull it to the middle of the room and sit opposite on it. She is told to cross her hands behind her back. She says there is no need to tie her up, she will make to t...

una ladra dalle mani adorabili A thief with adorable hands ( 2 PART )

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