Brianna has her slut flat on his back and with a remote shocker around his balls. She crops his balls and shocks him. When the slut starts to flail around, she pulls aside her panties and and puts her lovely ass right on the slave's face. Muffling his cries, Brianna continues to punish the slut's balls. She tells the slut to savor the smell and taste of her ass. Perhaps this will bring him comfort as she enjoys his balls in a most masochistic way. Then Brianna stands the slut up. She demands that he present his balls and thank her for finding them useful.
Brianna has her slut flat on his back and with a remote shocker around his balls. She crops his balls and shocks him. When the slut starts to flail around, she pulls aside her panties and and puts her lovely ass right on the slave's face. Muffling his cries, Brianna continues to punish the slut's balls. She tells the slut to savor the smell and taste of her ass. Perhaps this will bring him comfort as she enjoys his balls in a most masochistic way. Then Brianna stands the slut up. She demands that he present his balls and thank her for finding them useful.