Mistress Kendra leads her male bitch in by his balls. The slut's balls have been locked behind him in a wooden vice. Kendra takes smug satisfaction in how helpless the bitch's balls are. She can't help but grind her heel into the slut's balls. She digs her heel in deep, enjoying the slut's painful reaction to her sharp heel. The more the slut reacts, the deeper she digs her heel. The bitch's suffering excites her and she torments his balls all the more. When she has had her fill with this male bitch she puts him in a cage, tying his helpless balls behind him.
Mistress Kendra leads her male bitch in by his balls. The slut's balls have been locked behind him in a wooden vice. Kendra takes smug satisfaction in how helpless the bitch's balls are. She can't help but grind her heel into the slut's balls. She digs her heel in deep, enjoying the slut's painful reaction to her sharp heel. The more the slut reacts, the deeper she digs her heel. The bitch's suffering excites her and she torments his balls all the more. When she has had her fill with this male bitch she puts him in a cage, tying his helpless balls behind him.